Lawyers for Defence Against Sexual Assaults in Kitchener
It is important to seek legal counsel for cases related to sexual assault in Kitchener to ensure you are appropriately protected as your matter proceeds through the court process. At Ritter Harvey Law, we help you understand the crime and its implications, in addition to providing legal advice and representation.
All charges of sexual assault in Kitchener are serious: common assault, an assault that causes bodily harm, aggravated assault or any of the sexual assault-type charges (grabbing, kissing, rape, among others). Initial bail terms may be very onerous and restrictive. A conviction for these types of offences can result in probation, jail sentences (10 years to life term based on the crime level), criminal records, weapon prohibitions, and registration as a sex offender with the accused’s name entered into the government’s Sex Offenders Registry.
Sexual Assault Lawyers in Ontario
The offence of sexual assault defines a broad range of non-consensual touching or physical contact between two persons (the accused and the complainant) with a sexual nature. To determine this “sexual” nature of the interaction, the court closely looks into the physical contact circumstances (for instance, if the complainant was inebriated, consent is not considered valid) and questions like which body organs were touched.
One is convicted when the Crown Prosecutor proves the lack of consent. If the police approach the accused for remarks, legal guidance on rights and responsibilities can help the latter. If you are currently facing sexual assault charges in Ontario, trust the criminal lawyers at Ritter Harvey Law to represent your case. Our experience in sexual assault cases will assist you in avoiding severe consequences.